Cookie policy

Welcome to the website ("Website") owned by "BOLL" Wojciech Dalewski Spółka jawna, located at Chemiczna 3 St., 65-713 Zielona Góra, registered in the District Court in Zielona Góra, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000034509, NIP: 929-000-11-70, REGON: 970679600000, hereinafter referred to as "BOLL", "we", "our", "us", as applicable.

This policy provides information on how cookies function on the Website, as well as when, how, and why we and third parties we collaborate with, use these cookies. Almost all cookies operate by collecting and storing certain types of personal data about the user, so this policy also describes the personal data we process or share with others while using cookies, along with related data protection rights.

Data Controller

The controller of your personal data is "BOLL" Wojciech Dalewski Spółka jawna, located at Chemiczna 3 St., 65-713 Zielona Góra, registered in the District Court in Zielona Góra, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000034509, NIP: 929-000-11-70, REGON: 970679600000.

Regarding cookies placed by third parties via the Website, these third parties may also act as controllers of the user's personal data, meaning they also bear legal responsibility to the user for the personal data received. Please refer to the section Collaboration with Third Parties and Legal Bases for Data Processing for more details.

Information on our processing of personal data in connection with the Website can be found in a separate document - Privacy Policy.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files saved on the user's computer or mobile device (e.g., phone, tablet) when visiting our Website. These files store various information about the user and their preferences. A cookie typically contains the name of the website it originates from, the cookie’s lifespan, and a value, usually a randomly generated unique string of characters.

Due to their nature, the use of cookies is specifically regulated at both national and EU levels. Below, we outline some legal aspects of cookies and their role in privacy policies.

Obligations concerning cookies arise from Article 173 of the Telecommunications Law of July 16, 2004 (Journal of Laws No. 171, item 1800, as amended). Virtually every website or online shop uses cookies, some of which are essential for the functioning of the site/shop, while others assist the service provider in, for example, directing appropriately tailored content to users, as mentioned above.

Cookie Settings and Management

Settings in commonly used web browsers allow saving of all types of cookies. However, you can manage cookie settings by:

  1. Using tools provided by web browser operators (details available via the links below):
  2. The cookie management panel displayed when the homepage of the Website loads – known as the cookie information bar. Choosing the "Allow All" option will enable us to save and use all cookies stored on your device; you can also consent to the saving of only selected types of files, which are described in more detail below.

Remember, that you have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of cookies by the Website at any time. This can be done using the "Change Settings" button available in the cookie information bar.

Please note that disabling the use of cookies, enabling warnings before their use, or not accepting settings may result in difficulties using certain features of our services.

Types of Cookies

The cookies collected by the Website can be categorized based on:

  1. The duration cookies are installed in the user's browser:
    1. Session cookies – these are temporary files stored on the user's device until they log out, leave the website, close the browser, or manually delete them
    2. Persistent cookies – these are stored on the user's device for a period specified in the cookie parameters or until deleted by the user.
  2. The purpose of Using Cookies:
    1. Essential: Necessary for the proper functioning of the Website – files processed based on the legitimate interests of the controller (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR);
    2. Preferences: Allow for "remembering" user-selected settings and personalization of the user interface, such as the selected language or region, font size, website appearance, etc. – files processed based on the user's voluntary consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR);
    3. Statistics: Enable the monitoring of website traffic, understanding user preferences, analysing behaviour on the Website, and allowing interactions with external networks and platforms – files processed based on the user's voluntary consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR);
    4. Marketing: help tailor displayed ads and content to user preferences, and conduct personalized marketing campaigns – files processed based on the user's voluntary consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).

Current Cookie Listing

Detailed information about cookies (file name, provider, type, and storage duration) is included in the cookie banner on the Website.

Collaboration with Third Parties and Legal Basis for Data Processing

Regarding cookies used on this Website, we primarily rely on the following key providers of analytics tools:

1. Google, Inc.

Information generated by cookies about the use of this Website (including the user's IP address) may be transmitted to and stored on Google's servers in the United States. More information on the implications of such data transfer can be found in the privacy policy. Google uses this information to evaluate the use of this Website by visitors, compile reports on Website activity, and provide other services related to Website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Users can disable cookies on this Website as per the instructions above or by changing the relevant settings in their browser. However, if all types of cookies are disabled, users may not be able to fully utilize all the features of this Website.

This Website uses services provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"), which uses cookies to analyze how users interact with the Website. The following modules are used on the Website:

  • Google Analytics – account status and monitoring, audience summary, active users, user browser analysis, audience insights, quality of visits, conversion probability, benchmarking reports, demographics and interests, user flow reports, Google Ads reports. Information generated by cookies about the use of this Website (including the user's IP address) may be transmitted to and stored on Google's servers in the United States. More information on the implications of such data transfer can be found in the Privacy Policy. To opt-out of Google Analytics tracking across all websites, visit: Google Analytics Opt-out. Detailed information on the modules listed above and on Google's processing of personal data can be found at: Google Privacy Policy for Partners and Google Privacy Policy.
  • Google Ads – The Website uses Google Ads, an advertising system that allows you to reach users with promotional messages through channels owned by Google. Google Ads collects, the following types of data: queries entered in the search engine, tracking data of User activity on other websites. Data collected by Google Ads generally does not allow for the unambiguous identification of the User. Detailed information about Google Ads is described in Google's privacy policy available at: Google Ads Privacy Policy
    Users can independently opt out of being tracked by Google Ads by changing their browser settings. For detailed information on opting out of Google Ads tracking, visit: Google Ads Opt-out.
  • Google Marketing Platform – The Website uses the remarketing feature offered by Google Analytics in conection with the Google Ads tool provided by Google. Remarketing is a way of conducting advertising activities on the Internet. Advertising activities are directed at people who have visited the Website. By using mechanisms based on cookies, the User's interest in a given product or service is determined, based on which a specific marketing message is directed to the User. Marketing messages are displayed to the User while they are using the Google search engine, browsing websites, or within their presence on social media platforms. Users can independently disable the remarketing option on their devices through the deactivation option available at: Google Ads Settings. Detailed information on the principles of processing and protection of personal data processed by Google is described in Google's privacy policy available at: Google Privacy Policy.

2. Meta Platforms Inc.

The Website uses analytical cookies, tracking pixels, and other technologies from Meta Platforms Inc. ("Meta"), which enable the collecting or downloading data from this Website. These data may then be used by Meta to provide services related to targeting and measuring the effectiveness of ads. Information collected by Meta may be transferred to and stored on servers in the United States. More information on the implications of such data transfer can be found in the privacy policy.

Withdrawing consent for cookies used for personalization (as described above in this policy) via the consent tool on this Website or disabling cookie collection in browser settings will stop Meta from collecting and using such information. Detailed information on Meta's processing of personal data can be found at: Meta Privacy Policy.

  • Facebook Pixel – This service uses the Facebook Pixel feature provided by Meta Platforms Inc. The Facebook Pixel is a small piece of code placed on a website to measure the effectiveness of displayed advertisements by analyzing user actions. The Facebook Pixel is used to target ads to the right audience, automatically configure marketing messages, and measure the results of displayed ads. Detailed information about the data processing and protection principles by Meta Platforms Inc. can be found in Facebook's privacy policy available here.

Final information

For more information on how we process your personal data, how to request access to these data, and how to exercise your rights, please refer to our Privacy policy.

You can consult with the Data Protection Officer regarding all matters related to cookies via email at:

We are continuously developing our skills, modernizing processes, and auditing the adopted data processing model and security measures, which may lead to changes in the messages directed to you and available here. We reserve the right to update these messages. The cookie policy may also change due to legal changes or changes in the scope of cookies we use.

Information about changes to documents will be published on the website in the Cookie Policy section.

Cookies information

This site uses cookies, which are stored on your computer. This technology is used for functional purposes, statistical and advertising. Storing cookies at any time block. For more information, see our Cookie policy.
